Hi Blake!

> I would like to reprint all of the functions including their parameters
> and return values and possibly the description section of each.  I am
> still trying to decide on the format.  With the sheer number of PHP
> functions, the generate page count is several hundred pages.  I may
> decide to reduce the number of pages by handpicking a subset of the
> functions or by excluding functions for some extensions.

What does the "description section" means for you? The online
description of functions, or the introduction page of all the
extensions? Either way, if we grant you rights, this section in your
book will get quite similar to Rasmus's pocket PHP reference which was
created in a similar way...

> I am open to suggestions and will be happy to work closely with the
> group to ensure that the work is mutually beneficial.

First we need to know what would you like to reprint exactly, and then
we can see what we might in return... :)

Gabor Hojtsy

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