ID:               16111
 Comment by:       fdssfd at fdfd dot com
 Reported By:      ramac10 at hotmail dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Documentation problem
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:      4.2.1
 New Comment:

ey, mamon, deja de dar largas y entrega la solución ya!

Hey, sucker, give us the solution now!

Previous Comments:

[2003-05-12 14:06:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The issue of IIS permissions is related to this report but is difficult
(at least for me) to come up with a straight forward comment on the
issue.  In doing some research it appears there are many factors that
come into play here most of which fall under "IIS Administration".  A
few PHP related resources:

Basically the IIS user (usually IUSR_MACHINENAME) needs permission to
read various files and directories, such as php.ini, docroot, and the
session tmp directory...  I don't feel comfortable documenting this
without raising potential security issues (aka chmod 777 everything!!!)
but will reopen for future comment.  Maybe someone has a nice solution
to this problem and actually knows the topic (I don't).

Also some people have treated this report as a support forum, well,
it's not.  Do not ask support questions here.


[2003-05-12 11:48:36] bcecile at nemak dot com

I was having the same problem, and the it was related to improper NT
permissions. Please be sure that your IUSR_MACHINENAME has read
permissions to the php.ini file. When I had this file in the c:\winnt
folder, only Administrators and the System accounts had read access.
This was fine while running PHP as an ISAPI module because IIS was
loading the DLL using the System account, but once I switched to a CGI
module, I started having problems. This was because IIS was now
launching the exe file as IUSR_MACHINENAME which is did not have
correct read access to the php.ini file.


[2003-02-16 19:19:26] XpeditionPilot at hotmail dot com

Some of the problems on this page I have fixed by making sure register
gloabal variables is turned on in php.ini.  Also an easy fix to the
Security alert is to make sure php.ini has security set to everyone. 
Be sure only to change security for that file, not for the winnt or
windows dir.  Also make sure cgi.force_redirect is set to 0, as
everyone has said.  Good luck.


[2003-01-20 01:16:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is now documented:

Thanks for the report :)


[2003-01-19 23:50:43] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is still a documentation problem, document that people should
check their php.ini is actually read by PHP.


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