On Saturday 26 June 2004 17:04, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> >>> Types of other contributors:
> >>>  - user note maintainers:
> >>>     andrew, meebay, didou, ... The list can be generated from
> >>>     the php-notes mailing list archive. Wez is going to do make
> >>>     a script pull it out from archives, and after that we're going
> >>>     to put up guidelines for who is a maintainer and who is not.
> >>
> >>
> >> there is an unofficial maintainers list
> >> http://paste.uni.cc/notes/index.php
> >>
> >> if needed, I can put the source online
> > 
> > Would be nice to have it collected in phpdoc/scripts. The 'week stat' 
> > seems to be an all time stat BTW. Would be nice to extend in a way I 
> > suggested, if it seems to be fine with you: List people who maintained 
> > notes in the past half year and those who maintained notes before it. 
> > Then chop both lists at some human define place. Currently 100 actions 
> > seems to be a good chop point for me on the all time list - which would 
> > include around 30 editors minus the ones listed in the active list.
> Vince, can you help us in moving this forward?

I've done my homework and I think something like this is what you are looking for:

comments welcome :)

I'm thinking about the name notes_stats.php for in phpdoc/scripts, is that ok?

maybe this can also be used for the new documentation website..

- Vincent
> Goba

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