- someone please dig up the script which generated a summary based
    on the phpdoc CVS logs / news server data, so we can get an idea
    of who to list as past author+editor, and who is currently to be
    put there (I don't know where that script is)

I have presented my script to display the number of changed lines a while ago. The script isn't good because it relies on bonsai server data, which has stopped making stats a couple of months ago. My script also doesn't count the lines added (because they are not supplied by CVS).

You may access it here: http://testes.aborla.net/top.html

Aham... I have mailed systems a few minutes ago noting that bonsai is not up to date. We will see if something good comes out of this, or not... We might also contact the programmers at the cvs stat site:


It would be good stuff if it would be updated (and would be able to generate data for the last half year too). Hartmut should be the all time winner AFAIK, since he has done enourmous amounts of changes (mostly administrational).

 to monopolize that place, so once again feel free to propose yourself if
 you see you fit there (or complain about myself being there :)).

Whats the difference between editors and authors?

Editor: main job is to look around, warn people of their mistakes, fix mistakes when they occur, help people decide on architectural stuff, etc.

Author: works on his own, main job is adding documentation, examples, etc. gets help from the editors in case of questions

So the author creates the content, while the editor helps fitting it into the frame and correcting stuff when needed. There will probably be people who think they fit into both roles. It should be noted that IMHO we should use the same separation for active and inactive authors/editors as we do with the user note maintainers (active are those who were here the past half year, others are inactive).

The lists aren't in alphabetical order :)

I have done my best to have them in alphabetical order (by *family name* as it is supposed to be). If you spot errors, feel free to fix the order.


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