Tonight, I wasted many hours "upgrading" livedocs.

Many things broke, but with some help (IRC - freenode - #phpdoc (join us (-: ) ), I finally got it working.

For anyone with the same troubles, here's what I did:
1) configure failed to detect my xsltproc binary, so I had to change "XSLTPROC='no'" to "XSLTPROC=/usr/bin/xsltproc", otherwise, fails because it doesn't know how to execute "no"
2) when running, it bailed out complaining that the sqlite database was full (in mkindex.php). This happened during VACUUM, which, while beneficial, is not necessary, so comment out the line "sqlite_query($idx, 'VACUUM full_search');" in mkindex.php
3) when using any of the themes, I had to link /path/to/livedocs/themes to /path/to/webroot/themes

Other caveats:
- when giving configure a --with-build-log, is annoyingly silent. It's much more convenient for me to ./ | tee my_own_build.log, and exclude that configure option.
- ignore the MANY lines that start with "BAD ID", when running, I guess they don't matter.

I'll try to post more on livedocs, and its current status, tomorrow. I need to sleep now.


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