erm, that'll be docweb I'm thinking of.  but the same applies ;)

-----Original Message---
From: Steph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 August 2004 00:11
To: Gabor Hojtsy
Cc: DOC-WEB; Andrei; PHPdoc
Subject: RE: [DOC-WEB] FW: [PHP-GTK] what is going on with

Goba, the bigger issue here is that the things you can do for a workaround
(aka the mysqli coverage) isn't all that useful from our own perspective..

What we need to do is find something that is, and is also relevant to phpdoc
and acceptable to the phpdoc and peardoc teams, before it gets to the point
that more than two phpdoc'd OO items are covered in this way.

PHPdoc promises to be a good forum to work this stuff through..

- Steph

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gabor Hojtsy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 14 August 2004 23:22
> Cc: DOC-WEB; Andrei; PHPdoc
> Subject: Re: [DOC-WEB] FW: [PHP-GTK] what is going on with
> > I have to confess that this is the first time I've tried to look up
> > 'connect' in the manual - and you're right, it doesn't work.  The search
> > there runs on a simple PHP script and I guess I misjudged the
> percentage of
> > 'like' that you'd need to get to retrieve that info from the
> db.  I remember
> > writing it and being concerned chiefly not to return too much
> if people put
> > in something like 'set' or 'get' - 200+ returns on those queries wasn't
> > helpful either.  So maybe it's time to do as do and
> look into using
> > htdig.  And maybe, just maybe, I don't have the time to do that.
> Well, htdig is not used anymore because of performance reasons (it was
> an exec()-ed CGI program). Now google is reused for queries and we have
> a gold solution on the horizon. You guess it is named livedocs. It
> includes preindexed superfast full text search. :)
> > I've said repeatedly that I will make sure that php-gtk-doc
> > conforms with any OO documentation standard that the PHP
> Documentation Team
> > adopt.  I still intend to do that.  We can't have livedocs
> development on
> > the PHP-GTK project until that standard is decided.  That
> doesn't mean there
> > haven't been attempts to adapt it, it just means we aren't
> working in the
> > same way at present - and nobody wants to see one set of rules
> for PHP/PECL,
> > another for PEAR and a third for PHP-GTK.  So we need clear thinkers who
> > understand the concepts and are prepared to assist in creating
> a standard
> > for the whole of's OO coverage, as much as we need
> people who are
> > able to dig into C code and figure out what a function should
> do (which is
> > not always the same thing as it does do, that's what bug reports are all
> > about).
> To sum this up, as far as I see, we need the concepts behind phpdoc
> written down (in the documentation howto), so what structures we use,
> and why do we do so are clear. Then this can be compared with PEAR and
> PHP-GTK much easier. Now not much is written down about what tag level
> structures we employ, but work is underway to define the big structures
> (Philip is doing a good amount of work on this), and we are going into
> the small details on the way.
> Goba

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