dave            Fri Sep  3 04:09:48 2004 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc/howto       generating.xml 
  - Typos in howto, document how much longer xmllint takes (on average).
Index: phpdoc/howto/generating.xml
diff -u phpdoc/howto/generating.xml:1.15 phpdoc/howto/generating.xml:1.16
--- phpdoc/howto/generating.xml:1.15    Wed Aug  4 20:10:13 2004
+++ phpdoc/howto/generating.xml Fri Sep  3 04:09:46 2004
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
    An important part of making contributions to the PHP documentation
    is being able to validate your changes and to be able to see what
    they will look like in their various forms, whether that is in
-   HTML, Adobe PDF, RTF or other format.
+   HTML, Adobe PDF, RTF or other formats.
    The <filename>Makefile</filename> controls serveral aspects
-   of how documentation is validated and created. To generate a
+   of how the documentation is validated and created. To generate a
    <filename>Makefile</filename> from a fresh checkout,
    <command>cd</command> to the <filename>phpdoc</filename>
    directory and issue the following commands:
@@ -111,9 +111,10 @@
    In order to check the validity of your XML you may use 
    <literal>make test_xml</literal> as this executes a
-   <filename>xmllint</filename> check on the entire phpdoc tree.  This
-   will find problems 'make test' ignores, problems like a missing ; or
-   &amp; for an entity.  This will take a long time execute.
+   <command>xmllint</command> check on the entire phpdoc tree.  This
+   will find problems <command>make test</command>' ignores, problems like a
+   missing ; or &amp; for an entity.  <command>xmllint</command> is much
+   slower than the SGML check and will take roughly 4 times longer to execute.
@@ -125,8 +126,10 @@
    Or to simply check the XML validity of one file you may use the
-   <filename>xml-check.php</filename> script that's found in the phpdoc
-   <filename>scripts/</filename> directory, and use it like so:
+   <filename>xml-check.php</filename> script found in the phpdoc
+   <filename>scripts/</filename> directory. This is much faster than
+   <command>make test</command> or <command>make test_xml</command> if you
+   have only modified one file.  Use it like so:
 $ scripts/xml-check.php en/reference/mysql/functions/mysql-connect.xml
@@ -134,18 +137,18 @@
-   It is important to do a test before commiting, because if you
+   It is important to do a test before committing, because if you
    commit files with errors, this single file will cause the automatic
    build process to halt, and the manual files and downloads
-   wont be updated online. This can make phpdoc people angry.
+   will not be updated online. This can make phpdoc people angry.
    <title>When adding a new file</title>
     If you're adding a new file be sure to run
-    <literal>./configure</literal> again before <literal>make test</literal>
-    so that your new file will also be checked.
+    <command>./configure</command> again before <command>make test</command>
+    so that your new file will also be checked for validity.
@@ -178,8 +181,8 @@
-      <literal>pdf</literal>, a PDF version of the manual found at <ulink
-      url="&url.php.manual.pdf;">&url.php.manual.pdf;</ulink>
+      <literal>pdf</literal>, a PDF version of the manual, currently not
+      available online

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