Could anybody review correctness of the paragraph number 3 in this HowTo
excerption before I commit it?

Chapter 6. Conventions
When you work on phpdoc XML files, you should stick to these
conventions, to ease the team work in the module.

1. Insert ID attributes in all major section tags such as part, chapter,
sect1 etc. The HTML stylesheet will name the HTML files after these

2. Function reference IDs look like this (case should be consistent with
the rest of the function naming standards, i.e. lowercase):
function.mysql-connect. Please note that since underscores cannot be
used in IDs, they should be replaced by minus signs (-).

3. Unlike function reference IDs method reference IDs are case-sensitive.
Special operators ::, -> and underscores are replaced by the same
minus signs (-). For example function.ArrayObject---constructor is an
ID for ArrayObject::__constructor and
function.DOMCharacterData-deleteData is for
DOMCharacterData->deleteData method accordingly.

4. Function reference section IDs (<reference id="...">) look like this:
'ref.category', for example: 'ref.ftp'.

--- howto\working.xml.old     Thu Nov 18 11:39:36 2004
+++ howto\working.xml Thu Nov 18 11:36:48 2004
@@ -129,6 +129,15 @@
      in IDs, they should be replaced by minus signs (-).
+     Unlike function reference IDs method reference IDs are
+     case-sensitive. Special operators <literal>::</literal>, 
+     <literal>-></literal> and underscores are replaced by the same
+     minus signs (-). For example 
+     is an ID for <literal>ArrayObject::__constructor</literal> and 
+     <literal>function.DOMCharacterData-deleteData</literal> is for
+     <literal>DOMCharacterData->deleteData</literal> method accordingly.
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
      Function reference section IDs
      (<literal>&lt;reference id="..."></literal>) look
      like this: 'ref.category', for example: 'ref.ftp'.

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