Hello list,

Hi Sean :)

Is the table at php.net/ini_set still generated from scripts/genPHP_INI_SET.php ?

nop. later updates were done by a script made by me (and Jakub). It isn't yet in cvs just because it still doesn't make the reference/*/ini.xml files automatically.
And it must be extended to support ini permission variation, to work in a way like functable.

If so, we should repair this script to substitute @PREFIX@ with /path/to/php/ or something nicer.

@PREFIX@ is showing up in the docs.
I'd do this myself if I had the time to figure out the script, right now.

I've noted the @prefix@ thing, but I'm unsure with what to do with it. maybe you want to replace with /usr/local/bin or so...


P.S.: latest version at my cvs: http://mega.ist.utl.pt/~ncpl/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/phpmisc/ini-update.php

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