Philip Olson wrote:

Just some thoughts:
* You can remove the PHP 3 stuff;

Not if you ask Philip for example :) I am hesitant on keeping old content or removing it... There are still PHP 3 deployments out there.

From the 2003 Doc Meeting proposal:

 In an effort to preserve history and possible PHP 3 users,
 we need to keep this information available but at the same
 time it adds clutter to the documentation. One proposal is
 to list all PHP 3 information in it's own appendix, and
 add appropriate links/notes to them. Within a manual page,
 one will see a simple link titled "PHP 3 Note" and it'll
 link to the appropriate location in the "PHP 3 Appendix".
 In here it might mention a feature was added in PHP 3,
 etc. Most people seemed to like this idea, no specifics
 have been discussed.

 See Also:

And from the 2003 Doc Meeting findings:

 We discussed the complete removal of the "Extending PHP 3"
 section, and the complete removal of the debugging
 section. For the rest of the manual, every PHP 3 specific
 section should be marked clearly as such.

At this point we may want to create a PHP 3 section in the
appendix that lists all PHP 3 specific information as anyone
who still uses PHP 3 should read this entire section at one
setting anyways. No need for PHP 3 notes within the docs. PHP 2 users have their own manual :)


I'm not one for removing something from the manual just because it's old. A PHP3 Appendix will work, but will be difficult to write because the notes about PHP3 are sparse and distanced.

Why should the Extending PHP3 sections be removed? Are there plans to write new documentation regarding writing Extensions? (There needs to be more/better documentation for extension writers; Whenever I started playing around I relied mostly on people on IRC for help, and didn't continue learning that monster of an API for very long.)

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