Yup, but it still it would be better to leave it unchanged, or switch completely to the new structure. (less work for translators)


Removed "see also", because &reftitle.seealso; is already there :)

*/Mehdi Achour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    Hi Enrique,

    > baoengb Thu Jan 27 15:56:42 2005 EDT
    > Modified files:
    > /phpdoc/en/reference/mysql/functions mysql-field-flags.xml
    > mysql-query.xml
    > Log:
    > minor changes

    Everyone knows that if you commited the file, it's because you
    something. It would be better to describe what you really did in the
    commit log ;)

    > &reftitle.seealso;
    > - See also
    > mysql_unbuffered_query,
    > mysql_fetch_assoc,
    > mysql_error,

    Why did you remove this line ? If you want to apply the new doc
    you have to use the structure, otherwise you're not helping
    at all :)




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