> Continuing on this long on-hold thread, it would be nice to come up with 
> a structure to move the files into. phpdoc/en/zendapi might not be a 
> good idea after all, since this is supposed to be a start of a 
> developers manual (which will hopefully get updated eventually :). So 
> the streams docs should also go in here.
> What about:
>    phpdoc/en/internals/zendapi
> and
>    phpdoc/en/internals/streams
> for now :) And still bundling the ZendAPI docs and the Streams docs with 
> the manual, but in the same <part> (until something better comes 
> around). The ZendAPI XML files, figures and the streams XML files should 
> be easy to relocate. Systems people hinted that we should just do "cvs 
> remove" and "cvs add" since these files have nearly no practical 
> history. But the hanging question remains. What to do with the code 
> examples in ZendAPI? I mean:
>    http://cvs.php.net/ZendAPI/source/
> Any ideas? After these are handled, the remaing files (DTD, build 
> system) in ZendAPI are just old crap, so if we have the content in 
> phpdoc, the ZendAPI module can be removed entirely.

I don't know the internals of PHP very well but we should
plan for future versions. How will internals/zendapi evolve
for PHP 5,6...? Meaning, will this name remain appropriate?
How will PHP 5 changes be handled?

Regardless, this move is much needed. The phpdevel
(Extending PHP 3) section would need a new name too,
something involving the number 3 :)

I don't know the value of ZendAPI/source/ examples or how
fully applicatable they are today but they can be updated
and folded into the manual in <screen> or CDATA. New
examples, IMHO, should involve PECL_Gen. One interesting
point. PECL_Gen is a PECL extension so I assume will be
documented like any other extension or perhaps it should
simply be documented in the internals section. Hmm...
Maybe include a download of all examples somewhere too.

As long as we're at it, the README files that live in
php-src also need to find a place in the manual. And maybe,
just maybe, these README files can be generated much like
INSTALL/install.txt are today. This would also encourage
internals folk to keep this information up-to-date.

I know of two (current) article series that involve PHP
internals. Maybe these kind souls can head up this internals
documentation effort! :) One is our very own Sara[1] and
another by Nick Loeve[2]. That would be nice! :)


Both part one of a series:
[1] http://www.zend.com/php/internals/extension-writing1.php
[2] http://www.trickie.org/code/zend_engine_one/

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