Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on the php|tropics
presentation on the PHP documentation project; the final presentation
is now available from

As the session was the very last session of the conference, I had
three attendees -- not surprising, as it _is_ Cancun, and the sun,
pool, and all-inclusive bar was calling. The intimate group made for a
pretty good session, actually -- we were all relaxed and able to have
a discussion. One attendee was interested in adopting a similar
framework for their own organization; another was thinking about maybe
sometime joining the project; and the third participant was just
generally interested in the PHP documentation.

The reaction to the gradual adoption of the new reference templates
was quite positive, and LiveDocs impressed them (especially since I
set them up by starting to build the full set of HTML, then showed
them the hack for building a single extension, before showing them

Again, thanks for all of the feedback. I hope that the presentation
can be of some use to people interested in joining the PHP
documentation project in the future...


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