
I've taken a look to DocBookWiki and I think it doesn't worth to invest our time on it. I've installed it and I've used both in user and superuser mode, but it didn't convinced me

It allows a 'normal' user to see a manual in html, pdf, ..., but it builds all that off-line. In the display area, I think livedocs is better. In the edit mode, it allows an editor to edit a file in text, xml, html or Latex mode. This can be good if a translator doesn't know how to work with xml, and is an expert in one of the others. The program will then convert the edited text into docbook. But the edit mode is just a html text area.. This is not a really help.. and can be easily done in livedocs, IMHO. The bitflux editor is far more superior!

Ack, thanks for the review!


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