ID:               27555
 Comment by:       php at mike2k dot com
 Reported By:      jaanus at heeringson dot com
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         Documentation problem
 Operating System: Linux 2.4.24
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2004-03-10 (dev)
 Assigned To:      helly
 New Comment:

This is still a bug. I just upgraded to PHP 5.1.1, using a custom
session handler with mysqli, and this is a problem.

It appears this is a workaround, albeit I don't think this should be
required to function as it did before. I use procedural code, and not
object oriented code, so having __destruct handlers do not help me.


Here's my [very simple] session handler. Note db_query() is a simple
wrapper for mysqli_query() and handles all the connection details

function session_close() {
  return true;

function session_die($id) {
  db_query("DELETE FROM session WHERE ID='$id'");
  return true;

function session_gc($maxlifetime) {
  return true;

function session_open($path,$name) {
  return true;

function session_read($id) {
  $dchk = db_query("SELECT data FROM session WHERE ID='$id'");
  if(db_numrows($dchk) == 1) {
    if(!isset($_SESSION['row'])) { $_SESSION['row'] = 1; }
    list($data) = db_rows($dchk);
    return base64_decode($data);
  } else {
    return "";
  return true;

function session_write($id,$data) {
  global $visitor;
  $data = base64_encode($data);
  if(!isset($_SESSION['row'])) {
    db_query("INSERT IGNORE INTO session (ID,data,accessed)
  } else {
   db_query("UPDATE session SET
data='$data',accessed=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) WHERE ID='$id'");
  return true;

(fyi: I have a cronjob that does garbage collection based on the
"accessed" column)

I still think this is a bug, I don't see why this was changed.

Previous Comments:

[2005-11-20 16:43:47] lists at cyberlot dot net

How about

This is affected also, This isn't something you can just "Document"

Basically your saying any user made or php made object is useless
during the shutdown phase of php.

php5 is supposed to bring object programming close to php and this
steps all over it.

Every single object related function, class, extension has now been
made useless/impossible to call during shutdown be in within a session
or in a use defined shutdown function.


[2005-11-09 17:35:17] phpbugs at dubr dot com

Why is this being considered a documentation bug? It clearly 
is a PHP bug and needs to be fixed.


[2005-10-05 10:24:39] richard dot quadling at bandvulc dot co dot uk

One of the real issues here is that the destruction of objects created
by the user is not in a logically sequence.

Having to manually free objects is sort of correct as relying on
automated clearing/garbage collection can only, at best, guess the
order in which things should be destroyed.

So, assuming somehow there was a way to determine the order of
destruction, what happens when you have object interdependance.

Say, linking SESSION and DB. DB needs session details to know what the
user is, but SESSION needs DB to update status of user.

If you DON'T use __desrtuct() at all and use normal methods you HAVE to
decide which goes first (which is a better choice than letting the
system guess), but requires more work.

I don't think there is an easy solution.



[2005-10-04 23:59:04] iquito at gmx dot ch

I agree, this behaviour makes no sense at all and has to be classified
as a bug. Of what use is a shutdown-function, if everything has already
been shut down beforehand? Especially the connection to the database is
normally very important for everything.

I use the register_shutdown-function to destruct all my classes in the
correct order at the end of the script, so I don't have to rely on PHP
to kill them in the correct order. This makes a lot of sense if you
don't know where your script will end exactly.


[2005-07-24 08:24:43] jasper at bryant-greene dot name

This is definitely a bug, and needs to be fixed. As has been mentioned
before, all user-definable methods need to have all resources available
to them, including the session module, mysqli module, etc.

Rather than just saying "the destructor is called too late in the
shutdown process" and leaving it at that, why not fix it?


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