OK, that can be an useful feature.
I'll take a look at that next week.


Hello there,
as I have no idea who actually maintains this, I'll post it here for
(hopefully) discussion.

When I go to http://doc.php.net/php/de/revcheck.php?p=translators I see
for example that I maintain 3 files, 2 are uptodate and 1 critical. And
why doesn't a click on my name show a list of the files I maintain, if I
can't find the one that's critical and needs an update?

I'd expect this behaviour and think it is reasonable. Especially for
those people who maintain more files. And perhaps I've just overlooked
it, then tell me. Oh, I know of
http://doc.php.net/php/de/revcheck.php?p=files but a per-person view
seems better for me.


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