This is still in chineese...

Jean-Se'bastien Goupil

Dallas Thunder a e'crit :
I've reverted them to origional version. Sorry for the trouble.

Please let me explain. I'm translating the mail extensions into Chinese, I'm doing it just as I've done hundreds times before. I never went to EN tree, however, it commited to EN tree. I'm very positive that I did nothing wrong, and I'll try to figure it out.

Sorry again. I hope nothing harm made.

"Antony Dovgal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 12.02.2006 02:43, Dallas Thunder wrote:
I swear I'm working under ZH tree, for some unknown reason, the commit was made to EN tree. Unbelieveable! Sorry I've removed reference.xml and ini.xml, could you recover it? Many thanks!
Please don't REMOVE anything next time.

Jakub, Nuno, how do you handle such situations?

Wbr, Antony Dovgal

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