Nuno Lopes wrote:
pkoszulinski at gmail dot com wrote:
From:             pkoszulinski at gmail dot com
Operating system: PHP version:      Irrelevant
PHP Bug Type:     Documentation problem
Bug description:  Error in mysql_errno documentation (Polish version)

On there is:
"Zwraca numer błędu ostatniej operacji MySQL lub 0 (zero)
jeśli wystąpi błąd."
but there should be:
"Zwraca numer błędu ostatniej operacji MySQL lub 0 (zero)
jeśli NIE wystąpi błąd."

Are their "serious" problems on the server-site or the client-site?
Also this crappy encodings can be seen recently on php-notes.

Yep, I think this happened when the main site was moved to the new Yahoo server. Maybe it has some mbstring/filter/.. option that is passing the data through htmlentities() or similar.

Should I file a bug-report or is it better to bug system@, group@, aeh, which one?

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