ID:               36573
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      sviver at vnet dot hu
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Documentation problem
 Operating System: irrelevant
 PHP Version:      Irrelevant
 Assigned To:      gavinfo

Previous Comments:

[2006-03-01 15:59:39] sviver at vnet dot hu

There is no description for the directive sql.safe_mode on the
documentation page of the core directives. (However, it is mentioned as
a user comment.)
Searching for it on google I found:
If the SQL Safe Mode option is enabled the MySQL and Ingres extensions
will ignore the supplied host, user and password information and will
use only the default ones.
Also on the documentation page for MySQL functions listing the
directives mysql.default_host etc. rather the opposite of this
behaviour is stated.
It is not clear, whether the username of the script owner is used for
connecting (if yes, what password?) or the INI settings.


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