On 2/25/06, Nuno Lopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe throttling?
> > You know - if one IP:
> > 1. sends a lot of comments in one day and
> > 2. IP is not in a white list and
> > 3. these comments are identical and
> > 4. there is a short period between comment posts
> > these comments are grouped together with some flag and become hidden
> > until somebody from php-notes ML either approves or deletes them.
> We already have a system to limit the number of notes per IP per hour.
> The problem is that they come from different IPs...

Well, if there is no IP then you can can combine point 1 with 3 and
leave that rule alone. I.e. 1&3: if there is a lot of identical
comments (md5) sent in one day. An additional check is point 4. there
is a short period between comments.

In any case if you can calculate md5 - you can make a query for a day
or too to get identical spam messages (group them together) - and
delete spam comments all at once. Of course the concept can be even
more sophisticated - for example flag messages containing foul words
or according to calculated "distance" between good and bad message


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