Sean Coates wrote:
[resend: not sure why this didn't make it through, yesterday;
re-sending; sorry if it's a dupe -S]

Nuno Lopes wrote:
Well we have already tried a couple of methods but none of them worked
so far, including DNS blacklists, spamassassin and a simple words
I've run out of ideas. Training spamassassin would probably work, but
I'm not sure if it wouldn't cause disturbs in the mail server.

Did we drop the double opt-in idea?

- User submits a note (with valid email address)
- We send mail with a token URL
- User clicks URL
- Note is approved and posted

Do we need to approve? I guess we have not enough "man-power" for that.
Simply post the note after we receive the token.

Max 5 notes per address per day. Or x notes per domain/IP per day..

x notes per domain/IP per day will for sure not work. Think of people behind proxies....

We should not limit the notes per day. To much to track, imho, no?

Yes, the evil side COULD be automated, but it's a lot more difficult
than a simple post.

I like this proposal, but Nuno's point stands: who's gonna implement that?


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