But we have a big problem: the translators. We can't simply modify all files and then say to translators that they are lagging behind the English version. That said, I can only agree with Philip, from a practical point of view. In the first alpha version I expect most (if not all) functions to be unicode-compatible, and I think no one except the PHP developers will want to use PHP 6 before that release.


I think this information could be useful since people will most likely want to use online manual even before PHP 6.0 final is out. Making them go to a separate site to look up which function is Unicode-safe or not is not very user-friendly.


Since all appropriate functions will be unicode compatible in PHP 6.0.0 this seems like information overload and not something that should be mentioned in every functions documentation. Perhaps have a list offsite, maybe on docweb, for alpha/beta testers.

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