> Somebody has deleted all templates in xsl/ and no history left. When I
> was writing my previous letter they were there. That bloody CVS is no
> more useful than plain FTP if I constantly need to use mail list and
> archives to get the idea of "what the heck is going on"? FTP at least
> works through my web proxy.

What files are you looking for? If they are actually _gone_ from CVS,
then someone meddled with the CVS server. There are very few people who
have access to the repository, directly. If someone did this, I'll
complain to the systems people, and it won't happen again (and if you
can pinpoint a time when it happened, I'll check the logs on y1 and find
out who did it).

That said, I suspect that nobody deleted anything from the rcs tree.

> The problem with CVS is that those who was capable to setup it are fed
> up with the process and do not want to dip into another VCS and those
> who failed are just not here. If not the precious time I could argue
> on the topic endlessly, so I better leave a proposal to discuss.
> http://doc.php.net/rfc/rfc-proposal-show.php?id=8

Um no. You're misinterpreting the situation.
Let me state for the record that I personally vastly prefer SVN over
CVS. I've moved all of my personal projects to svn (a long time ago),
and over the next few weeks will be moving my professional (team-driven)
projects—I finally managed to convince the rest of the team.

Now that that's out of the way, let me clarify the situation with PHP CVS.

There are hundreds (thousands?) of people (and dozens of scripts) that
access php.net CVS. Last time the CVS->SVN migration issue was brought
up, I remember Rasmus shooting it down because of this very fact, and
not because of a technical issue. It would be too much work to move
thousands of people from one SCM to another.

Yes, large projects have already made the change, but I don't think
_anyone_ with the appropriate karma at php.net has the time and energy
to see this through. It's very unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future.

All of this to say that I think it's a tremendously bad idea to port
_part_ of the php.net source code base. CVS may have its problems, but
it's worked for the past ~10 years for us.

BTW, if someone did screw with the files on the CVS server, there's
nothing stopping them from doing the exact same thing to a SVN repository.


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