Sean Coates wrote:
Hi All,

We've finally finished the move and sync of everything to pb11 for
docweb (see

Everything seems to be working. Please test that everything matches

Note: because of the domain difference, anything related to the MAGIC
cookie isn't going to work.
Looks good.

Well the login system use a local cache and cvs access tests, so it should be ok to log in directly through:

That at least gives possibilities to check the admin zone.

So now that this machine is not located far away and administered by a ghost, I understand more people have access to it, so who should we bug for server-related problems, names, NAMES! :)

If all is good, I'll ask someone with karma to switch the CNAME from
Jacques server, to the one.


Etienne Kneuss

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.
-- Pascal

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