+2 :)

Philip Olson wrote:
Hello doc friends,

We again could use an editor that is responsible for tackling our administrative tasks. It's been well over a year since Gabor stepped down and having a replacement to continue his legacy feels like a good idea. We've accomplished a lot since but are missing "the other things" being done. I humbly request taking over as editor and would be sure (and required) to complete the following tasks:

* Manage and prioritize (and use) the TODO
* Overhaul the dated doc HOWTO
* Ensure that scripts/check_phpdoc/ is implemented, livedocs too
* Document our build system and scripts/ so people understand how the magic happens * Write less documentation, but spend time finding people to write documentation * Follow the mailing lists and ensure that all questions receive responses
* Discuss and propose an updated and manageable credits system
* Manage docweb and encourage its use
* Write monthly doc updates to the internals list
* Make our dream of submissions|patches via the browser come true
* Have the new doc style fully implemented in 2007
* Be diplomatic
* Manage doc related CVS karma
* Monitor QA and encourage non-native (but decent) English speakers to commit to en/
* Create topics for discussion, like our user notes and dead translations
* Promote the ideas described in this book: http://producingoss.com/
* And in this talk: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4216011961522818645

The key is to have someone designated to do certain tasks, tasks that aren't always the most fun to perform. The title "editor" is not something to take lightly and as editor I know personally I'd "forget" less and do more. And although my duties with the php.net project have spread into many areas, the PHP Manual is my #1 priority. And it needs more love.

I commit to at least one year and at that time we should reevaluate and hopefully we'll be ready to assign all tasks to individual members. I don't feel we're there yet as most of us have grown old and spend less time here now, but we'll get there if we want to. I hope everyone is happy with this as it means a fellow member (the old bearded guy) is promising and committing consistent focused time but if not then please feel free to speak up. Yay or Nay?

Philip Olson

Etienne Kneuss

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.
-- Pascal

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