
First, this is only my second time writing to the list so just a quick thanks to those of you who actively participate, translate, and maintain the PHP documentation. It's an amazing project and I can appreciate the amount of work that goes into it.

I'm writing because I maintain a stylesheet that generates "clipping sets" of PHP based on the documentation. With the move to phd I seem to have lost the ability to create a single xml file containing all the documentation. In prior versions of the build system I could create a file called stripped.xml (or something similar). I would use this file to learn the structure of the xml and create my stylesheet accordingly.

My question is: Can one still create this file and if not, does anyone know of a document that describes the DocBook structure being used (a DTD, for instance)?

Thanks in advance, and I'll be happy to contribute any code I end up producing as a result of answers to this question.

Gustave (Ted) Stresen-Reuter

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