On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 10:11, Anthony Bedford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Hannes,
> Don't misunderstand me please. We will be making the docs as good as we can.
> Remember I am coming in cold to this so I will need some time to get
> familiar with the PHP way of doing things and find my way around.

Rule#1: Don't top post :)

> Note I said specifically 'mysqli'. I thought a good starting point was to
> fill in some gaps in the existing documentation. That'll help me get
> familiar with how things are done. But 'other projects' includes PHP related

Then pick PDO. mysqli doesn't need more ducktape. It needs restructure.

> docs including new docs for mysqlnd and PDO_MYSQL, as well as other tasks
> associated with PHP. No, we are dedicated to this and will be investing many
> hours - but can we take one step at a time please?

The lets start at the places where your work will be valuable.

> Also, I'm not completely ruling out throwing out the existing documentation,
> but I need some time to get familiar with what we do have and to understand
> how it can best be restructured.

Again; Pick PDO. Browse the existing documentations (not only mysql
based) to familiarize you with the entire manual.

> In the mean time I think we can do a lot to
> improve it by documenting functions that have no documentation at all.

Not really. Adding paragraphs is easy, but then refactoring them and
paraphrasing existing content is way harder.

> From your email I understand you've been waiting a long time for something
> to happen and maybe some frustration has built up, but rest assured we are
> on the case and we do care! :)

Indeed. I am frustrated. Extremely.

It is great that something is about to happen, but I don't care if its
my time or yours; efficiency is the key. Wasting time in ducktape
kungfoo is not efficient.

If you have questions; ask.
DocBook, PhD, phpweb, configure.php, magic entities, my ego size, or
whaterver. Just ask.

Don't think your question is worth "an entire thread with greetings
signatures, subjects and read by bunch of people"? Join #php.doc on
EFNet. Ask!

It takes more time to cleanup/fix wrong stuff then it takes you to ask.


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