On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 21:27, Brandon Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I am what I guess you'd call a "newbie" - Elizabeth got me on this list
> during ZendCon and though I've been following it I still have no idea how
> the doc editing process works. I'm exactly who you want this kind of tool
> for - a new contributor who is eager to contribute but unsure about how to
> do so.

Would you mind being my test-subject then? :) 15minutes of your time
(plus couple of minutes to reply back) is all I ask for.
Its an easy task: Document the LogicException exception.

The exception has no methods (except for inherited once) and how to
document exception (from a-z, everything from obtaining the source to
building them to actually creating the doc) is already documented at

If it takes more then 15minutes you can quit and we'll have to try to
find better ways. If however you manage to do it in 15minutes or less,
please post the file to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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