Hi. Please give me write access permission to phpdoc-ru.

As can be seen from http://news.php.net/php.doc.ru
the last activity of    Antony Dovgal (he may be called phpdoc-ru maintainer, 
from what I see)
was Sat Oct 25 17:19:00 2008.

There is 'Control structures' translation awaiting to be commited.

I'm long term KDE (www.kde.org) Russian translator/editor
and would like to do some updating to Russian php doc translation.

My login is shafff. Right now I get:
COMMITINFO /repository/phpdoc-ru/language control-structures.xml
**** Access denied: insufficient karma (shafff|phpdoc-ru/language)
     Contact phpdoc@lists.php.net for access to phpdoc-ru/language
cvs commit: Pre-commit check failed
cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!

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