this is ks who's the student going to work on PhD Online Editor during this
summer. in this summer, i'm going to refactor the codes contributed by my
mentor Yannick in order to ease the future development of the editor.

the first task is to refactor the ui of the editor written in javascript. in
order not to flood the cvs repository on, the refactoring procedure
written in the proposal has changed a little bit. instead of forking a
branch to do the refactoring work, the work is made directly on the cvs copy
and commit directly after testing. the refactoring work will break the whole
ui into groups of ui components and yui-compressor will be used to compress
those component groups back into a small js.

the second task is to refactor the bulky php codes so that the editor engine
becomes better structured. Apache mod_rewrite will also be used to
help simplifying codes.

i've setup the working environment and discussed any refactoring issues with
Yannick. some preliminary work have been done on the repository and i'm
going to start the refactoring on this Friday =]

another progress report will sooner follow ^^


i, have a dream. i want to make my dream come true. anyway, OLPC rocks!

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