On May 26, 2009, at 6:36 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:

So, I've been lurking for almost a year now, and it's probably time to start pulling my weight.

I don't yet have a docs build environment set up, but intend to do that RSN. Meanwhile, I have my first patch. It's not much to look at, but at least it lets you know where I'll be prodding to start with. Philip has pointed out some areas where my particular expertise might be useful, and this is just a tentative first poke at that.

A year isn't too long... funny how time goes by so fast sometimes.

Looks safe enough to be applied, but we'll wait for you to write another patch and setup a build environment [to verify] so you can commit yourself. ;)

And a small note to you and onlookers: The documentation desires a third person tone. I don't think it's important enough to go through the manual and rewrite for this purpose, but during rewrites is a good time. Looks like much of the current Apache installation documentation is written in second person.


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