Hello everyone,

Today I played around with the xhprof extension:


It's nice, but lacks official documentation. Let's discuss how we document extensions that include optional helper libraries, so for example:

  xhprof  --> xhprof UI
  inclued --> graphviz.php
  ...     --> ...

In other words, some extensions are packaged with stuff that makes them friendly and useful to humans.

Basically it comes down to the following options (please also think of others):
  A) Suggest the helper be a PEAR package (PEAR Manual)
  B) Simply add examples of its use in the PHP manual
C) Determine DocBook syntax, and fully document it within the PHP manual

We basically follow the PEAR route, but I don't think all of these extensions will have associated PEAR packages. So today we prefer and suggest (A), allow (B), but disallow (C) ... does that sound right? Please think about it and determine if (C) feels like a good idea.


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