On Jul 5, 2009, at 2:53 PM, G. T. Stresen-Reuter wrote:

On Jul 5, 2009, at 2:57 PM, Peter Beverloo wrote:

With the documentation moving to PO files soon (as well as changes around the PhD editor GSoC project)

I follow this list pretty closely but I must have missed this (rather important) news item. When will the documentation move to PO files? How will this change the translation process and source files? Is this move documented somewhere? In short, is there an other list where such decisions are made that I'm unaware of?

Several translation related discussions have taken place on the subject although typically they have been short threads. The English documentation process will not change as PO files are only used by translations. The process has been poorly documented (by me) but is moving forward. It's a bit chaotic especially considering the rush to get it done before the project moves to SVN but here are a few recent threads on the topic:

 - http://markmail.org/thread/iqxkiekmvz6h43lt
 - http://markmail.org/thread/kidqiimuglh2tmfh
 - http://markmail.org/message/fduqvora3lef4cit

A test repository with PO files are in CVS although they are only English (POT) and Japanese as it's purely for testing purposes:

 - http://cvs.php.net/viewvc.cgi/phpdoc-po/

How PO files will be managed is still up in the air but we're in the midst of testing out several systems including:

 - http://www.transifex.net/projects/php/
 - http://translate.php.net/

Neither of the above work today as our project appears too large for transifex.net to handle (today, they are discussing how to solve this) but they offer a system that could coincide with whatever else we choose as it offers help from an additional translation community. And our Pootle setup (at translate.php.net) is sketchy with a strange bug (thanks to me) but once Michael has time he'll look into it as my sysadmin skills sit right around null.

So that's the situation. Given the mere size of this move, the SVN rush, and my lack of knowledge (but it's interesting to learn this) I'm afraid it won't go smoothly. All help is desired, as are questions and/or answers.


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