On Jul 14, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Niel Archer wrote:

Should I resend them converted?

Yeah, also note a couple typos in there that turned 'phpdoc' checkouts
into 'phd'.

Diffs attached.

This diff brings up a good point for us to discuss. What is the preferred method to check something out from SVN? Most anything we do requires at least two SVN checkouts.

A classic example for English:

 - cd /where/doc/stuff/is/stored
 - svn co http://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/en/trunk phpdoc/en
- svn co http://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/doc-base/trunk phpdoc/ doc-base

Leaving us with en and doc-base directories. And then for phpdoc-all it gets trickier, well, a lot longer. The choices seem to be either:

 - use svn:externals
 - create and promote scripts for this
 - change our structure/layout
 - ... ?

I don't understand the pros and cons of using svn:externals but the topic seems to have a holy war type feel to it. Is this true and/or avoidable? What are the pros and cons? If a script is used, I imagine it'd be stored in doc-base then used to checkout languages. I also imagine other places at php.net would use it (or svn:externals).


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