Hannes Magnusson wrote:
> Hi guys
> Now that we have moved to SVN with slightly changed structure I'd like
> to propose a "standard checkout".
> Nilgun and Jakub have created "shortcut [alias] modules" that pull
> doc-base, English, and <translation> in one checkout (and doc-base and
> English, and doc-base, English and all translations, ....), similar to
> what we had with cvs phpdoc-xx vs phpdoc-xx-dir checkouts..
> I think we should try to standardize on one recommended structure..
> and I'd like to cast my vote on using these modules.
> Does anyone have opinion on the matter?
> Note: As these modules use svn:externals you _cannot_ commit to more
> then one module at a time.
> That means you _cannot commit_ to doc-base/ and en/ in one commit (to
> add a new global.ent &entity;, or fix en/ and fr/ for example). You
> have to explicitly commit to doc-base/ and then en/ and fr/, all in
> separate commits.

I think this limitation sucks, personally.  Spare directories are much
nicer since you can have commits that span these directories.  Like for
adding entities or fixing an example in multiple translations.


svn co http://svn.php.net/repository --depth empty src
svn co http://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/en/trunk --depth infinity src

To add another translation:

cd ~
svn co http://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/de/trunk --depth infinity src

You can pick and choose parts of the tree this way.  You can also check
out a directory using "--depth immediates" and just get a list of the
directories there that way.  Like a list of all the tags or branches.
You can then cd into any of these and expand them with: svn up
--set-depth infinity


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