On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 11:58, Moacir de Oliveira
<moacirdeoliveira....@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/12/15 Hannes Magnusson <hannes.magnus...@gmail.com>
>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:04, Moacir de Oliveira
>> <moacirdeoliveira....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Patch for PhD:
>> > http://pastie.org/743735
>> Remove the count(), if getChildren() will return "true" if there are
>> children, no need to count them.
>> Also, I don't actually know if <base href=""> applies to <link
>> href=""> values, so you may need to specify
>> /full/path/to/lang/feed/id.atom, especially since we define the <base>
>> long after we print out the <link>s.
>> Otherwise the feed link from http://php.net/strpos for example wont be
>> correct.
> Patch fixed:
> http://pastie.org/745439
> PHPWeb:
> http://pastie.org/743733

Looks good.
There are couple of issues (I guess we should file bug report about them)
 - Config::language() uses whatever the user passed in as --lang.
   We should be detecting the language from the xml:lang in the XML
   Detecting it ourselves makes it also possible for the indexer to be
multilanguage, and therefore useful for the main phpweb search
 - The language name itself is not necessarily the folder name in
phpweb. I think pt-br for example is the problem maker (pt_BR, pt-br,
pt_Br or however it was).

It doesn't look like the phpweb patch breaks the existing manual (i.e.
built with PhD without the patch), so feel free to commit that (guess
Philip can give you karma if you don't have it already).
The PhD patch can also be committed so we can test it on docs.php.net


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