On Feb 28, 2010, at 6:32 AM, Stanislav Tutak wrote:

> Hi,
> Russian translation is outdated now.
>  I want join translation team but unfortunately doc...@lists.php.net does not 
> respond for  messages.
> And as I think they will not respond - last SVN commit was more than 5 month 
> ago and there is no activity with translation, its seems they did not work 
> with translation anymore.

And it's been about a year since a file was translated, and a couple since it's 
been active.

> Can we do something in this situation?
> For example:
> 1. In case if they did not respond in one week - create new translation group
> 2. Or just give me SVN account for doc-ru
> 3. Or something...

Understandable. Please translate a few files (and post them here) so we know 
that you're serious, then SVN access will be granted so you can start 
committing them and other files. See also:

  - http://doc.php.net/php/ru/revcheck.php

> Russian translation is very important for much of learning web-programmers 
> because much articles and comments on forums have links to russian doc's and 
> now all that we can see it's "Not Found" page.

Interesting, we'll explore making such links (for all translations) still work 
by checking if en/ exists. Please file a php website bug report, with an 
example ru/ link that exists in en/.

> I hope we can resolve this issue.

Me too :)


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