On Mar 20, 2010, at 4:56 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

>  in order to stay on top of things, i thought i'd "svn co" the
> development stream of the PHP manual, but it seems that doing that
> could be more clearly explained.
>  starting here:
>  http://www.php.net/download-docs.php

I'll add information here to make it clearer.

> there is no mention whatsoever about doing an svn checkout of the
> manual -- how to do that is buried partway down in the page here:
>  http://php.net/svn.php
> it really should be mentioned on that first page, no?  also, once i do
> the checkout:
>  $ svn checkout http://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/en/trunk ./phpdoc-en
> there's nothing in that checkout that tells me how to configure and
> build the manual.  i look in vain for a README or Makefile or
> "configure" script.  a little searching and i eventually end up here:

Unfortunately that information is incorrect but has been corrected (in SVN) 
because when we moved to CVS it all changed (not just the names). Not sure how 
that happened. 

I also just now added a README within en/ that references the one found within 

>  http://doc.php.net/php
> where, curiously, the "PHP section" link at the bottom refers back to
> itself.  how odd.  eventually, i follow the link labelled
> "Documentation Howto" over there on the right, looking for build
> instructions, but i still don't see them.  i see directions for how to
> edit and validate XML files, but is there a single page with
> instructions for how to simply generate the manual HTML?

It links to itself because every project uses that text, including the root 
page. Not ideal but a quick [temporary] fix that remained.

The trouble with only downloading en/ (due to the incorrect svn checkout 
reference), you're missing the doc-base/ directory that the HOWTO refers to. So 
all the scripts, the README, but most importantly the configure.php script... 
you had no chance! :)

Also the majority of the HOWTO was written before our current build system 
(named PhD) existed. You'll see a few references to it but PhD is not well 
integrated within the HOWTO (yet) although for about a year now I've promised 
to rewrite the HOWTO. This kick in the pants helps but see also the following 
playground as it'll probably help you today:

 - http://wiki.php.net/doc/howto

Thanks for the detailed and honest look, because it's very much appreciated and 


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