On 8 April 2010 20:29, Philip Olson <phi...@roshambo.org> wrote:
> A few thoughts that come to mind:
>  * Tagged as a code snippet

I'm against the idea of tagging user-contributed notes, whatever type
they are. This isn't the place however to ramble on that particular
topic sufficing to say I don't want it for snippets or anything else.

>  * Users rate it, 1-10

If this was amended to an up/down rating it would get my (up) vote,
pending seeing it in action.  Rated notes could help sort the wheat
from the chaff in a way that chronological ordering just cannot do.

>  * Ensure the copyright/license stuff is clear

Currently the only mention* of this sort of thing on the add-note page
is in relation to letting us merge comments into the documentation
proper.  (* After a very cursory glance around!)

>  * Dealing with PHP version requirements?

I would expect many of the people contributing code snippets not to
know the precise versions under which their snippet should be labelled
and looking up those requirements for anything more than a simple
function call, or at all, might be asking too much.  Assuming comments
on notes are allowed, someone in-the-know could clarify the versions
if folks are having trouble.

>  * Users comment on individual snippets?

Yes please.

>  * Some notes will contain a lot of words with a small code snippet, what tag 
> is it?

Waffle. :-)

> Example of good versus bad:
>  * A piece of code is well written, about 20 lines, and is about creating a 
> password. It happens to use strlen() a couple times so is posted under 
> function.strlen. Good? Bad?

Bad. I think the notes should be relevant to the manual page under
which they're posted. The code should be demonstrating the use of
strlen rather than demonstrating how to create a password—where would
the latter go? Perhaps there will not be a clear distinction but to
give a more crude example, I don't think any snippet using the
concatenation operator should go under the string operators manual

> A few other questions:
>  * Let's say a piece of code is great, voted up, and uses 5 internal PHP 
> functions. Should we scan it, then automagically make the snippet linked to 
> the 5 manual pages?

No. See my previous comment. I'd rather let the author decide (with
some moderation of course) where their contribution lives.

>  * We don't plan on becoming a full blown code repository, or do we? Worth 
> worrying about?

I think it is worth worrying about; with all this discussion I fear
we're going to be placing more community-emphasis on the user notes,
snippets, comments-on-notes-and-snippets, etc. than on (improving) the
documentation itself. That might be a good thing (community
involvement always is) or bad (it is *the manual*, after all).

>  * Should we suggest (not enforce) coding standards?

Sure. If we're going after the copy-and-paste crowd then the code
might as well be at least a little bit consistent. Whether people
would follow whatever standards are suggested would be another matter

> And lastly, one problem about coding examples is how good practice can dilute 
> the example. So for example, while teaching people about $_GET['foo'] we may 
> end up with one of:
>  A) echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['foo'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // Hello World
>  B) echo $_GET['foo']; // Hello World
> The (A) dilutes the idea of $_GET whereas (B) is clear. So which is the 
> better example? Probably (A) in this case but the point is it's not 
> straightforward.

Both snippets are demonstrating different ideas (escaping output
versus a simple example of using $_GET). It would help if when adding
snippets, the reason for/behind it is made clear: am I just posting a
super-simple example without caring for best practices or do I just
not know better?

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