
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 10:37, Timo Witte <timo.wi...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> http://doc.php.net/php/dochowto/article.thequicky.exceptions.environment.php
> on this
> page the following things are wrong
> - SVN Command (there is no "checkout" in the command)
> - The Repository link is wrong
> http://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/modules/doc-en is right
> the full command should be
> svn checkout http://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/modules/doc-en phpdoc

Right, that's a mistake.

> "pear install doc.php.net/phd-beta" doesn´t worked
> i had to do
> "pear install --alldeps doc.php.net/phd-alpha"

Actually, PhD is no longer in beta, so you can install it using "pear
install doc.php.net/phd".

> in the next Section
> "php configure.php" should be replaced by "./build.sh"

The configure.php script is located in doc-base. Personally, I'd
recommend that over the build.sh script that is in the language
modules dir in SVN. build.sh uses --enable-xml-details, which uses a
lot of memory and isn't necessary unless you're debugging something.
Also, actually building the documentation isn't normally necessary.
Running configure.php is sufficient to check that the build isn't

> Can i do these changes as a patch or is this site not generated from XML?

The howto is located in
(/doc-base/howto if you checkout a module). It's written in the same
format as the PHP documentation (i.e. DocBook). Feel free to submit
patches for improvements to this list.

Daniel Egeberg

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