On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 18:31, Patrick van Staveren
<tr...@vanstaveren.us> wrote:
> I've been using this function reference for years, and was surprised to find
> that if I read closely, above each table for the various values to pass in,
> the type of the value is specified.  I'd never read the page closely enough
> to realize that the options are grouped by type; I think it might be common
> for readers to skim like this.
> I think it'll be more obvious to the reader if the types are specified as a
> title of each table.
> This is my first foray into docbook, so comments on how to achieve this are
> appreciated!

Hi Patrick,

Overall the patch looks good, and it certainly makes the output nicer
and more readable.

On the callback section, however, it would be better if you used
<type>callback</type>, which would link to the documentation on
callbacks [1] rather than trying to describe it in the title. Besides,
your description of a callback doesn't catch all the types of
callbacks someone might use anyway.

[1] http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.pseudo-types.php

Daniel Egeberg

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