On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 04:28, Daniel Convissor
<dani...@analysisandsolutions.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks:
> In trying to add the procedural style interface to the DateTime docs I
> went searching for how we currently present stuff that has both object
> oriented and procedural interfaces.  It turns out there is no consistent
> way of going about it, plus there are some other oddities that would be
> good to discuss.
> 1) How to label the OOP methodsynopsis?
> Here are the current usages:
> Object oriented style:
> Object oriented style
> Object oriented style (method):
> Object oriented style (method)
> Object oriented style (constructor):
> Object oriented style (property):
> Object oriented style (property)
> &style.oop;

Wouldn't &style.oop.[[static.]method|ctor|dtor|property]; make more
sense? Just to make it really clear what it is.

> I suggest we go with &style.oop; (mapping to "Object oriented style") for
> everything.  The parenthetical method/constructor/property are
> supurfluous because the way the stuff is rendered clearly explains the
> usage.

We don't use () for methods all the time so people _could_ confuse the two..

> 2) Where to put the example output?
> Generally, output for examples is put inside the <example> element.  But
> when both OOP and procedural styles are shown, it's easier to
> write/maintain one output.
> Some docs put it in one of the examples, a la
> http://us3.php.net/manual/en/rararchive.getcomment.php.  It's a somewhat
> inelegant.

I don't see why the example has to use both ways.
the example should be using "recommended way", if there is any doubt
how the oo/procedural method then its fine to have both - but IMO it
should be in the same example.

> 3) The way properties are documented/rendered in description refsect1's
> can be better.
> Take a look at mysqli affected-rows page (same as above link).  "mysqli"
> is in a box on one line and then "int $affected_rows;" is on another row.
> Right now we mark up the DocBook like this:
>  <classsynopsis>
>   <ooclass><classname>mysqli</classname></ooclass>
>   <fieldsynopsis>
>    <type>int</type><varname>affected_rows</varname>
>   </fieldsynopsis>
>  </classsynopsis>
> The <classsynopsis> / class name in this section of the output is
> unnecessary because the class in question is clear from the page
> title/etc, plus we don't use it for methods.

So you want it rendered as $affected_rows?
I disagree. Saying that the classname is clear is like saying "no need
to mention the mysqli_ prefix, just write affected_rows()".

I thought we had skeletons for this in doc-base/RFC/?

> It seems like things would be much clearer if the class name weren't
> there and it came out something like this:
>  public int $affected_rows


Unsure what I think about it..


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