On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 1:37 AM, Riccardo Pastorina <
riccardo.pastor...@poste.it> wrote:

> Hi Yago,
> I translated some files and need to know a couple of things before i go and
> commit:
> every file need the revcheck markup tag that's
> <!-- EN-Revision: 297028 Maintainer: pastorina Status: ready -->
> Where the 297028 is the no. Of the current revision, right? what if it does
> change?

Yes the EN-Revision is the No. of revision you are translating from the EN
version. This tag will help you
to update the file if they make any changes in the English version in the
near future.

> To commit a file, i need to provide a log message. I picked up files that
> needed translation
> What should i note down in the log pad?

You need write an small comment that will help to understand others what are
you changing.

> Once committed a file, how can i
> access it in case i wanted to modify it further?
You can access to the file from the section 'all files' or 'files need
reviewed'  use the Search filter.

> Thanks,

nessun problema Riccardo!

> Riccardo

Yago Ferrer

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