On Oct 11, 2010, at 1:05 AM, Alexey Shein wrote:

> Hello!
> I've made some improvements of revcheck.php script and hope you'll
> like them too so they could be taken into the svn:
> 1) fixed E_NOTICE errors
> 2) added console option --show-uptodate, which if supplied will also
> show all up-to-date files in documentation. It can be useful to track
> the translation progress with very obsolete status (as Russian one,
> for example) so after some change translator will see one more green
> (up-to-date) file than one less orange (untranslated) file from other
> same orange 80000.
> I tried to keep BC as much as possible, hope there is no errors (at
> least new :)).

Greetings Alexey,

Looks good, this patch has been committed. Thanks for improving the PHP 
Documentation, and looking forward to seeing more ;)


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