On Nov 4, 2010, at 3:12 PM, Thijs Feryn wrote:

> I'm planning to start contributing to PHP in a very modest way. This means: 
> working on documentation, writing tests and if possible fixing bugs.

Greetings Thijs,

Contributing begins with patches, which eventually turns into SVN access. In 
other words, you should check out the php sources, fix things, then submit 
fixes as patches. Once people realize that you're a sane person who truly does 
want to contribute, then you'll gain commit access. 

It sounds like you're wanting to start with documentation (lucky us!) so check 
out the documentation, get a feel, then work your magic. 

The following will be a good start:

  - http://wiki.php.net/doc/howto

Also, if you're into testing newish things that may or may not work, then try 


Please feel free to ask questions, and talk to you soon! :)


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