On 8 November 2010 11:32, Adam Harvey <ahar...@php.net> wrote:
> On 8 November 2010 19:00, Richard Quadling <rquadl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> [1] vs [2]
>> Not asking for a change or anything.
> I think it's probably OK the way it is: the manual page is
> specifically for MongoId, and the capitalisation's quite distinct from
> any other meaning there. The URL might be a touch unfortunate, but I
> don't think it's worth worrying about, personally.
> Adam

And probably all sane, rational people will agree with you (and me).

It's the loonies I worry about!


Richard Quadling
Twitter : EE : Zend
@RQuadling : e-e.com/M_248814.html : bit.ly/9O8vFY

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