"Ford, Mike" <m.f...@leedsmet.ac.uk> writes:

> Having started my documentation career by doing some work on the main
> Operators page,
> I’d like to introduce a subject that has long bugged me: the term
> “the ternary operator” to
> describe ? :
> Whilst it’s strictly true that, as far as PHP is concerned , ? : is *
> the* ternary operator, that’s
> not really a description of its function, in contrast to most other
> operators which are usually
> referred to by their functionality. It’s also a (very slight)
> potential pitfall should PHP ever be
> moved to introduce another ternary operator (and this *was* proposed
> recently, using ?? :
> or thereabouts to do an isset() test rather than an ==true one!).
> I’d like to consider reworking the docs a bit to refer to ? : as the
> “conditional operator” (or
> perhaps “selection operator ” or “choice operator”), and would like
> to solicit opinions on
> such a move. I realise this is a fairly big departure from past
> practice, and might even be
> regarded in the same light as a BC break, so some reasoned discussion
> would be welcome. I
> also think consideration should be given to moving it out to its own
> <sect1>, as to me it’s not
> really think it’s a true comparison operator – but this is secondary
> to the main topic of
> changing how its referred to.
> What do you think?
> Cheers!

(Is it my client or your line length setting causing this wrapping? I
dot norally see this above).

I came across something similar years ago when reviewing tech docs for
our own language. As a result, I think you would be fighting something
too institutionalised tbh. And the rewards would be minor compared to
the hassle of the petty bickering and inconsistencies introduced with
legacy documenttion and similar constructs in other languages. The
possibilitey are endless and since there is nothing immediately wrong
or obvious with the current situation I would be tempted to concentrate
on other areas and leave it.

(as a side note, and not meaning to net nanny ;), your signature
delimiter should be "-- " and not "--" to enable auto cropping)

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