On Jul 20, 2011, at 7:49 AM, Peter Cowburn wrote:

> On 20 July 2011 15:06, Richard Quadling <rquadl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> For a laugh, I thought I try and build all the langs. Obviously, a
>> whole load fail.
>> But one failed in a way that took a little while to figure out.
>> configure.php's output ...
>> configure.php: $Id: configure.php 310808 2011-05-06 16:11:39Z bjori $
>> PHP version: 5.3.7RC4-dev
>> Checking for source directory... D:\Manual\PHP\doc-all\doc-base
>> Checking for output filename... D:\Manual\PHP\doc-all\doc-base\.manual_no.xml
>> Checking whether to include CHM... no
>> Checking for PHP executable... C:/PHP_5_3/php.exe
>> Checking for language to build...
>> error: Using '--with-lang=' or '--without-lang' is just going to cause 
>> trouble.
>> Can you guess the command line?
> Nice bug, poor Norwegians. :(

An update. Richard had a productive conversation with Harald V of Norway, 
and it was decided, as part of a communal effort to preserve peace, that 
allowing a Norwegian translation of the PHP Manual was the best course of 
action. And as a kind gesture, Norway is sending Smalahove to all members 
of the PHP documentation team. Kjærlighet!

Varm hilsen,

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