Fix bugs in the documentation. On 9/21/10 Mark Skilbeck made a change to the 
PHP documentation for the "header()" function. Specifically he made 
this change:

+       For FastCGI you must use the following for a 404 response:
+       <informalexample>
+        <programlisting role="php">
+header("Status: 404 Not Found");
+        </programlisting>
+       </informalexample>
+      <para>

I contacted him and he said he was asked to make this change by another 
developer to support FastCGI. I've been testing redirects in PHP with 
FastCGI and it appears at first glance that things have changed and this line 
is no longer necessary.

I'd like to improve the docs after I finish my further investigations by 
1.) Removing the line.
2.) Adding more information about why you need to add this line.

I signed up for both the docs and internals mailing lists and have been lurking 
for 2 months. I'd like to ease my way into becoming an active contributor 
to the community.

I code primarily in PHP (5.3+ and have been playing and building 5.4 lately) 
and also do the whole stack from assembly on up. Eventually I hope to give a 
good amount back to the community and even though this minor issue is a tiny 
issue, it's a start hopefully!

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