Hello everyone,

I've been playing around in a branch of doc-base and en to see if there's an elegant way to implement linking to the related php-src *.c file of functions and methods (and possibly more, in the future).

The idea is that when documenting a function or method, it's often necessary to pull up the source for it. To do so, one typically has to grep the sources or guess where the function or method is defined. My hope was to set a source control property on each function and method file, which points to the URL of the of the source file.

By doing this, it becomes trivial to use a command to pull up the sources. An example would be "google-chrome `svn propget srcurl %f`"

As well, beyond this, it would become possible to add links in the reference pages themselves based on that property. To that end, there was a concern that the increase in traffic towards viewvc might cause problems, but that's just an idea.

My branches can be found at phpdoc/doc-base/branches/function_definitions/ and phpdoc/en/branches/function_definitions/

Any ideas or concerns?

Justin Martin

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